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Languages > Chinese > Baby Learns Chinese BOX SET Levels 1, 2, & 3

Baby Learns Chinese BOX SET Levels 1, 2, & 3
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"PutonGua – Baby Learns Chinese" DVD series is developed by a group of deidicated Chinese educators inspired by the theories of Dr. Glenn Doman, author of the best selling books on early childhood learning, inclouding "How to Teach Your Baby to Read".* Research has shown that children from birth to age 6 learn languages at an extraordinary rate and with "PutonGua": * Your child is introduced to more than 50 chinese characters with a common theme * Each Chinese word is big and legible for your baby’s sensitive eyes * The sounds of the words are loud and clear,with constant repetition for familiarization * The images are fun and amusing * The songs are easy to sing-along In each of the chapters, your child will learn to speak Putonghua (mandarin) and read the chinese characters (both traditional and simplified to be selected by you). As each chapter unfolds, your child will build his/hers Chinese vocabulary *(1) "The child’s brain ... ‘sees’the big, clear television words through his eye and interprets them iin exactly the same manner. It makes no difference to the brain whether it ‘sees’a sight or ‘hears’ a sound. it can understand both equally well." (2) "Very young children can read, provided that in the beginning you make the print very

Product ID: 500282
Categories: Baby - Kindergarten, Kids, Learn
Supporting languages: Chinese, Mandarin - See Chinese
Platforms/media types: DVD
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