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Artefactos: Objetos artesanales de Colombia (Hardcover)

Artefactos: Objetos artesanales de Colombia (Hardcover)
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Bringing together more than 500 years of creativity with images of multiple artifacts made from different materials—including wood, clay, metals, fibers, stone, leather, and seeds—this book brings Colombia's immensely rich history of crafts to life. Because of its privileged geographic location, natural wealth, and variety of climates and ethnicities in which millenary migratory currents meet more recent European and African waves, Colombia's crafts are known for their unique look and style. These symbolic examples of nationality, representative of the continental region to which they belong, are a testimony to the rich artisan culture that exists in Colombia.

Incluyendo más de 500 años de creatividad con imágenes de múltiples artefactos de diferentes materiales como la madera, el barro, los metales, las fibras, la piedra, el cuero y las semillas, este libro cuenta la rica historia del mundo artesanal colombiano. Gracias a su privilegiada posición geográfica, su riqueza natural, su variedad climática y su diversidad étnica, en la que conviven y se funden corrientes migratorias milenarias con mestizajes europeos y africanos más recientes, la artesanía colombiana es conocida por su singularidad y estilo. Estos ejemplos simbólicos de la nacionalidad, representativos de la región continental de la que forman parte, dan testimonio de la sólida cultura artesanal colombiana.

Liliana Villegas studied at the textile workshop of Los Andes University before moving on to fashion, carpet, doll, and interior design. She later specialized in fine arts at Parsons The New School for Design in New York City and Paris. She is the author of IWOUYA, Guajira Through Weaving. Benjamín Villegas is the director and owner of Villegas Editores, where he has created, developed, designed, and edited more than 240 large-format illustrated books in both Spanish and English.

Product ID: 500807
Category: Art
Supporting language: Spanish
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
240 pages, Cloth, 10 x 10
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