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Angels y demonios
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By Rosa Giorgi Why do angels have wings? Why do devils have horns? Why don't we stutter to imagine the first in heaven and the latter amonst the fires in hell? Seraphs and cherubs, purgatory and paadise, just and condemned, the riders of the Apocalypse, the dances of death, the diabolic possessions and the exorcismn..There is a very long list of iconographic motifs around topics such as the Final Judgement, salvation, condemnation or the afterlife, fundamental topic and an important source of inspirations for artists. Whth pofound texts, through and agile presentation and supported by more than 400 full-color illustrations, Rosa Giorgi shows us paintings, frescoes, sculptures, engraved codices and engravings populated by the most amazing heavenly and demoniac figures.

Product ID: 107163
Category: Art
Supporting language: Spanish
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
paperback, 384 pages
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