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Product Types > Movies/Videos > Amos Gitai - Exile (DVD) (5-Disc) in French, German, Hebrew, & English
Amos Gitai - Exile (DVD) (5-Disc) in French, German, Hebrew, & English

Amos Gitai - Exile (DVD) (5-Disc) in French, German, Hebrew, & English
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Five feature films by Amos Gitai that address the subject of exile are included in this collection. Esther (1986, 97 mins.) updates the Biblical story of Esther in a "dense, provocative" film (Village Voice) that is "bristling with ideas" (New York Times). In Berlin Jerusalem (1989, 83 mins.), two women seek out a new life in the Holy Land in a beautiful, powerful portrait of the birth of Israel. Birth of a Golem (1991, 60 mins.) is a "notebook" film exploring ideas for a feature film on the theme of the Golem and a parable about the creative process. Golem: The Spirit of Exile (1992, 105 mins.) fuses the Book of Ruth and other Biblical tales of exile with the Jewish legend of the Golem. Its eclectic cast includes Bernardo Bertolucci, B-Movie legend Samuel Fuller, and Fassbinder regular Hanna Schygulla. Fuller and Schygulla also appear in Golem: The Petrified Garden (1993, 84 mins.), in which Gitai turns his iconoclastic gaze to the collapse of the Soviet Union as seen through the eyes of an art dealer. Films are in French, German, Hebrew, English, and other languages, with English subtitles.

Product ID: 108223
Category: Movies/Videos
Supporting languages: English, French, Hebrew
Platforms/media types: DVD
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