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Alvaro Barrera: Arquitectura y Restauracion (Hardcover)

Alvaro Barrera: Arquitectura y Restauracion (Hardcover)
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All of Álvaro Barrera's passion finds its outlet in the rescue, restoration, and preservation of old and abandoned colonial buildings in Colombia. Featured in this showcase are his efforts to conserve architectural heritage of the 16th- and 17th-century buildings, while giving them all the conveniences of modern living. Displaying his virtuosity, he also designs original buildings that combine the functionality of the modern or avant-garde with features of the traditional.

Toda la pasión de Álvaro Barrera por la arquitectura encuentra su mayor punto de vocación en el rescate, restauración y preservación de antiguos edificios coloniales en Colombia. Presentado en esta exposición son sus esfuerzos de conservar la arquitectura de los siglos XVI y XVII mientras le da todas las facilidades que la vida moderna ofrece. Se ve su virtuosismo en sus diseños originales que combinan la funcionalidad con la vanguardia.

Alberto Saldarriaga Roa is an award-winning architect who has developed research studies on urban and architecture topics in Colombia and Latin America. He teaches architecture at the National University of Colombia.

Product ID: 500803
Category: Architecture
Supporting language: Spanish
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
  • 232 pages, Cloth, 9 x 11
  • 255 Color Photos, 9 B/W Photos, 18 B/W Illustrations, 85 Line Drawings, Four-color Interior
  • ©1992-2024 World Language Resources, Inc.    All Rights Reserved.
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