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Languages > Danish > Movies/Videos > Alfred Lind - The Flying Circus / The Bear Tamer - in Danish (DVD)

Alfred Lind - The Flying Circus / The Bear Tamer - in Danish (DVD)
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These two silent films, written and directed by Alfred Lind, are the only surviving works from the Scandinavian-Russian Trading Company, an early film production house responsible for close to 100 works of documentary, educational, and narrative filmmaking. The Flying Circus (1912, 46 mins.) was the company's most famous film--a sensational circus epic about a tight-rope walker who temps fate to win the hand of a lovely snake charmer. The Bear Tamer (1912, 50 mins.), the film's sequel, stars Lind himself. With Lilli Beck, Peter Fjeldstrup, Richard Jensen, and Holger Madsen. Musical accompaniment by Neil Brand. Silent with Danish and English intertitles. Requires a multi-standard (PAL/NTSC) DVD player, or a region-free or region 2 compatible player with a multi-standard (PAL/NTSC) television

Product ID: 109630
Category: Movies/Videos
Supporting language: Danish
Applicable country: Denmark
Platforms/media types: DVD
1912 96 mins
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