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Aks -The Reflection

Aks -The Reflection
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The movie explores the ancient Indian Philosophy that the ultimate battlefield for good and evil is nothing but the human body. And the ultimate prize: his soul. AKS is the story of a hunter and his prey. A cop and a killer. AKS is the story of Manu Verma and Raghavan. The story begins in the heart of Budapest> The Indian defense minister is on a routine foreign visit. He reveals the true details of his visit to his head of security, Manuverma by informing him about the floppy which has valuble information that could affect the very destination of the country. On the other hand sources have revealed to Manu Verma, that a lone assasin long feared for his ruthlessness has been paid to eliminate the defense minister. The shadowy figure is called Raghavan. Manu Verma reaches the minister a second too late to save him and finds the statesman in a pool of blood. Raghavan has struck and vanished into thin air. The floppy has vanished with him. From this moment begins a manhunt of epic propotions. Manu Verma becomes an obsessed man with the Raghavan hunt. Nothing matters to him now except the prey. Furthermore he begins to find Raghavan's handiwork, a familiar trail of dead bodies, all around the city. In the process Manu Verma digs deeper into the heart of darkness before finally catching his prey. Then he takes Raghavan back to stand trial for his crimes. However one night before the sentence, Manu Verma's nemesis makes one final bid to escape. Snatching a revolver from the police guard near him, Raghavan levels the gun on Manu Verma and the other officers. Manu Verma responds swiftly and draws his own piece. For a nano second both men are mirror images of each other. Good and evil. Cop and killer. Locked in a final dance of death, both guns explode. And the nightmare begins. ( With Dolby Sur Sound, NTSC All regions, English Subtitles, Anamorphic Widde screen)

Product ID: 46006
Categories: Movies/Videos, Movies/Videos > Drama
Supporting language: Hindi
Platforms/media types: DVD
Aks -The Reflection

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