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Product Types > Desk Top Publishing > Adobe Illustrator CS3 ME Professional Multilingual Desktop Publishing Software
Adobe Illustrator CS3 ME Professional Multilingual Desktop Publishing Software

Adobe Illustrator CS3 ME Professional Multilingual Desktop Publishing Software
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Adobe® Illustrator® CS3 software allows you to create sophisticated artwork for virtually any medium. Industry-standard drawing tools, flexible color controls, and professional type controls help you capture your ideas and experiment freely, while timesaving features such as easier-to-access options let you work quickly and intuitively. Improved performance and tight integration with other Adobe applications also help you produce extraordinary graphics for print, web and interactive, and mobile and motion designs. Now Available in the following languages: Czech, Polish, Hungarian, Romanian, Russian, Turkish, Ukrainian, Middle Eastern, North African, Greek, Arabic and Hebrew. Enhanced features for Central European, Middle Eastern and North African Users User Interface The user interface of Illustrator is available in Czech, Greek, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Turkish, Ukrainian, English, French, Arabic and Hebrew. Text Settings Illustrator comes with special settings for typing and laying out Arabic or Hebrew text, such as: - Possibility to use Arabic, Farsi or Hindi digits - Use kashidas for letter spacing and full justification - Set vowels /diacritics positioning - Ligature option - Justify text in three possible ways to get the results you want (Standard, Arabic, Naskh) Additional Fonts Illustrator supports most fonts shipped with the OS as well as a large number of third party fonts widely used by graphic designers in the Middle Eastern regions. Illustrator installs one additional font that facilitates your work in Middle Eastern languages: WinSoft Pro, which is available in four styles: Medium, Medium Italic, Bold and Bold Italic. Bi-directional Text flow In Illustrator, the notion of right-to-left behaviour applies to several objects: Story, Paragraph and Character. You can easily mix Right-to-Left and Left-to-Right Words, Paragraphs and Stories in a document. Dictionary and Hyphenation Module Illustrator comes with a comprehensive dictionary for Arabic allowing you to spell check Arabic text with a choice of rules, like Strict Aleef Hamza, Strict Final Yaa, both or none. Illustrator comes with a Dictionary and Hyphenation Module for Hebrew. Find / Replace You can search for and change specific occurrences of Middle Eastern text. Illustrator includes a "Ignore Accent" option. When checked, the user can search for a string of text whether it contains some accents or not. Import/Export Options for ME characters Illustrator includes improved import and export options for RTF, Unicode, Word, Freehand, CorelDraw, PDF, SVG, PSD, EPS, EMF and DXF/DWG files including Middle Eastern text. Encodings has been added for Middle Eastern characters to facilitate text import and export, Save for Web and DXF/DWG file import. Freehand Hebrew text Illustrator comes with an enhanced filter to import Macromedia Freehand Hebrew files.

Product ID: 110256
Category: Desk Top Publishing
Supporting languages: Arabic, Czech, Greek (Modern), Hebrew, Hungarian, Polish, Rumanian, Russian, Turkish, Ukrainian
Platforms/media types: Windows
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