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Aasayil Oar Kaditham (DVD)

Aasayil Oar Kaditham (DVD)
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The hero Prasanth attends a marriage function where he happens to see a pretty girl (Kausalya) and taking a liking to her, hands over a letter to her expressing his love. The girl whom he hands over the letter to happens to be the bride of the occasion. This act of his sparks off a lot of controversy and chaos and despite such happenings the bridegroom Anand marries her. However after the marriage Anand suspects the fidelity of his wife and despite his wife's explanation does not believe her. She walks out on him and goes back to her parents place, but they also don’t believe her. What happens to Kausalya and Prasanth forms the rest of the story.

Product ID: 43700
Category: Movies/Videos
Supporting language: Tamil
Platforms/media types: DVD
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