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A Passage to India by E.M. Forster

A Passage to India by E.M. Forster
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A Passage to India sparked such political fury that enraged Anglo-Indians threw copies into the Indian Ocean.

Adela Quested, visiting from England, shows an interest in Indian ways of life that is frowned upon by the British community. What happens to Adela at the infamous Marabar Caves, and the subsequent ordeal of the charming young Dr Aziz, is wrought into a tense drama which throws Chandrapore into a fever of racial tension.

This work helped create a climate of opinion in England which would take the British out of India in less than a generation.

This work won the Prix Femina Vie Heureuse and the James Tait Black Memorial Prize, and has sold over a million copies since its first publication.

Product ID: 46224     ISBN-10: 0340512156
Categories: Book of the Week, Novel
Supporting language: English
Applicable country: India
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
About the Author

Edward Morgan Forester was born in England in 1879, and attended Kind's College, Cambridge where he retained a lifelong connection. Forster wrote six novels: 'Where Angels Fear to Tread', 'The Longest Journey', ' A Room with a View' and 'Howards End' were all published before the First World War. 'Maurice', his novel on a homosexual theme, which he completed in 1914, was published posthumously in 1971. His other works include essays, short stories and plays.

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