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Languages > Chinese > Children's Books > Grades 9~12 > A Madman's Diary in English and Chinese by Lu Xun
A Madman's Diary in English and Chinese by Lu Xun

A Madman's Diary in English and Chinese by Lu Xun
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A Madman's Diary: English and Chinese Bilingual Edition (English and Chinese Edition) Bilingual Edition by Lu Xun (Author), Paul Meighan (Translator), Vito Inguglia (Cover Design)

This English and Chinese bilingual edition of a "A Madman's Diary" was first published in 1918 by Lu Xun, one of the greatest writers in 20th-century Chinese literature. This short story is one of the first and most influential modern works written in vernacular Chinese and would become a cornerstone of the New Culture Movement. The story was often referred to as "China's first modern short story". This book is selected as one of The 100 Best Books of All Time. The diary form was inspired by Nikolai Gogol's short story "Diary of a Madman, " as was the idea of the madman who sees reality more clearly than those around him. The "madman" sees "cannibalism" both in his family and the village around him, and he then finds cannibalism in the Confucian classics which had long been credited with a humanistic concern for the mutual obligations of society, and thus for the superiority of Confucian civilization. The story was read as an ironic attack on traditional Chinese culture and a call for a New Culture.

Product ID: 505482     ISBN-10: 1500946656
Categories: Children's Books, Children's Books > Grades 9~12, Fiction
Supporting language: Chinese
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
Specifications: Paperback: 64 pages Languages: English, Chinese Dimensions: 5 x 0.2 x 8 inches Weight: 4.3 ounces
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