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Dutch - A Comprehensive Grammar by Bruce Donaldson (Paperback)

Dutch - A Comprehensive Grammar by Bruce Donaldson (Paperback)
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Dutch:A Comprehensive Grammar is a complete reference guide to modern Dutch grammar. Presenting a fresh description of the language and concentrating on the real patterns of use in modern Dutch, it is organized to promote a thorough understanding of Dutch grammar and highlights Dutch-English parallels throughout.

This Grammar book includes detailed treatment of the common grammatical structures and parts of speech and pays particular attention to areas of confusion and difficulty. With extensive index and numbered paragraphs to provide readers with easy access to the information they require, this Grammar is an essential reference for the learner of Dutch, regardless of level, and will be the standard reference for years to come.

Product ID: 31465     ISBN-13: 9780415154192     ISBN-10: 0415154197
Category: Learn
Supporting language: Dutch
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
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