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24/7 Dharma - Impermanence, No-Self, Nirvana

24/7 Dharma - Impermanence, No-Self, Nirvana
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There are three fundamental questions to Buddhist practice:

  • Why do we suffer?
  • How can we free ourselves from fear and sorrow?
  • What does it take to live in harmony with others?

    Dennis Genpo Merzel, among the highest ranking American Buddhists practicing today, addresses these fundamental questions in this dynamic, easily-accessible book, consisting of selected excerpts from Genpo Roshi’s teachings over the past two decades. 24/7 Dharma brings to life the universal truths Buddha taught 25 centuries ago, evoking the immediate experience of Zen for the reader of today.

    24/7 Dharma centers around the Three Dharma Seals, which are the principles of direct experience. These three truths, essential to Buddhism are: Impermanence, No-Self, and Nirvana. Genpo Roshi presents them in an accessible manner that translates to everyday stresses and modern life experiences.

    24/7 Dharma is unlike any other “Zen” book available. Each page is a self-contained passage that can be approached at random for inspiration; find something that appeals directly to your spiritual quest, or read from beginning to end as a lucid evocation of Buddhist truths.

    About the Author
    Dennis Genpo Merzel is the founder of Kanzeon Sangha and is the abbot of Kanzeon Zen Center in Utah. As the spiritual head of Maezumi Roshi’s White Plum Sangha, Genpo Roshi is one of the highest ranking among American Buddhists.

    Product ID: 44044     ISBN-10: 1582900477
    Category: Religious Studies
    Supporting language: English
    Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
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