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Languages > Spanish > Business > 18 Pasos Para Desarrollar Tu Negocio / 18 Steps for Developing Your Business
18 Pasos Para Desarrollar Tu Negocio / 18 Steps for Developing Your Business

18 Pasos Para Desarrollar Tu Negocio / 18 Steps for Developing Your Business
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Intended specifically for Spanish-speaking, would-be business owners, this step-by-step guide addresses topics including deciding to be a business owner, selecting a business, choosing a name and location, legal licenses and permits, business bank accounts, insurance, bookkeeping and cash flow, developing a marketing plan, using the internet, determining financial resources, and beginning the business-planning process.

Pensado específicamente para los hispanohablantes quienes esperan ser dueños de empresas, esta guía detallada contiene información sobre el proceso de ser dueño, escoger un negocio, escoger un nombre y lugar, licencias y otras legalidades, cuentas bancarias, seguros, usando el Internet y varios otras partes del proceso de ser dueño de un negocio.

Product ID: 500769
Category: Business
Supporting language: Spanish
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
240 pages
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