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Countries > Jersey

Languages   3 languages are spoken in Jersey. We have 332 products available for those languages.

Capital: Saint Helier
Population: 88,510
Jersey Map

(British crown dependency)


Location: Western Europe, island in the English Channel, northwest of France

Geographic coordinates: 49 15 N, 2 10 W

Map references: Europe

total: 117 sq km
land: 117 sq km
water: 0 sq km

Area - comparative: about 0.7 times the size of Washington, DC

Land boundaries: 0 km

Coastline: 70 km

Maritime claims:
exclusive fishing zone: 12 nm
territorial sea: 3 nm

Climate: temperate; mild winters and cool summers

Terrain: gently rolling plain with low, rugged hills along north coast

Elevation extremes:
lowest point: Atlantic Ocean 0 m
highest point: unnamed location 143 m

Natural resources: agricultural land

Land use:
arable land : 57%
permanent crops: NA%
permanent pastures: NA%
forests and woodland: NA%
other: 43%

Irrigated land: NA sq km

Natural hazards: NA

Environment - current issues: NA

Environment - international agreements:
party to : NA
signed, but not ratified: NA

Geography - note: largest and southernmost of Channel Islands; about 30% of population concentrated in Saint Helier


Population: 89,775 (July 2002 est.)

Age structure:
0-14 years : 17.9% (male 8,287; female 7,729)
15-64 years: 67.3% (male 30,099; female 30,347)
65 years and over:14.8% (male 5,729; female 7,584) (2002 est.)

Population growth rate: 0.44% (2002 est.)

Birth rate:10.86 births/1,000 population (2002 est.)

Death rate: 9.22 deaths/1,000 population (2002 est.)

Net migration rate: 2.78 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2002 est.)

Sex ratio:
at birth : 1.08 male(s)/female
under 15 years: 1.07 male(s)/female
15-64 years: 0.99 male(s)/female
65 years and over: 0.76 male(s)/female
total population : 0.97 male(s)/female (2002 est.)

Infant mortality rate: 5.52 deaths/1,000 live births (2002 est.)

Life expectancy at birth:
total population : 78.78 years
male: 76.34 years
female: 81.4 years (2002 est.)

Total fertility rate: 1.57 children born/woman (2002 est.)

noun: Channel Islander(s)
adjective: Channel Islander

Ethnic groups: UK and Norman-French descent

Religions: Anglican, Roman Catholic, Baptist, Congregational New Church, Methodist, Presbyterian

Languages: English (official), French (official), Norman-French dialect spoken in country districts

Literacy: NA


Country name:
conventional long form: Bailiwick of Jersey
conventional short form : Jersey

Data code: JE

Dependency status: British crown dependency

Government type: NA

National capital: Saint Helier

Administrative divisions: none (British crown dependency)

Independence: none (British crown dependency)

National holiday: Liberation Day, 9 May (1945)

Constitution: unwritten; partly statutes, partly common law and practice

Legal system: English law and local statute

Suffrage: NA years of age; universal adult

Executive branch:
chief of state: Queen ELIZABETH II of the UK (since 6 February 1952)
head of government: Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief Air Chief Marshall Sir John CHESHIRE (since 24 January 2001) and Bailiff Philip Martin BAILHACHE (since NA February 1995)
cabinet : committees appointed by the Assembly of the States
elections: none; the queen is a hereditary monarch; lieutenant governor and bailiff appointed by the queen

Legislative branch: unicameral Assembly of the States (57 seats, 53 elected including 12 senators popularly elected for six-year terms, half retiring every third year, 12 constables popularly elected triennially, and 29 deputies popularly elected triennially)
elections: last held NA (next to be held NA)
election results: percent of vote - NA; seats - independents 52

Judicial branch: Royal Court, judges elected by an electoral college and the bailiff

Political parties and leaders: none; all independents

International organization participation: none

Diplomatic representation in the US: none (British crown dependency)

Diplomatic representation from the US: none (British crown dependency)

Flag description: white with the diagonal red cross of Saint Patrick (patron saint of Ireland) extending to the corners of the flag


Economy - overview: The economy is based largely on financial services, agriculture, and tourism. Potatoes, cauliflower, tomatoes, and especially flowers are important export crops, shipped mostly to the UK. The Jersey breed of dairy cattle is known worldwide and represents an important export earner. Milk products go to the UK and other EU countries. In 1986 the finance sector overtook tourism as the main contributor to GDP, accounting for 40% of the island's output. In recent years, the government has encouraged light industry to locate in Jersey, with the result that an electronics industry has developed alongside the traditional manufacturing of knitwear. All raw material and energy requirements are imported, as well as a large share of Jersey's food needs.

GDP: purchasing power parity - $2.2 billion (1999 est.)

GDP - real growth rate: NA%

GDP - per capita: purchasing power parity - $24,800 (1999 est.)

GDP - composition by sector:
agriculture: 5%
industry : 2%
services:93% (1996)

Inflation rate - consumer price index: 4.7% (1998)

Labor force: NA

Unemployment rate: 57,050 (1996)

revenues: $601 million
expenditures:$588 million, including capital expenditures of $98 million (2000 est.)

Industries: tourism, banking and finance, dairy

Industrial production growth rate: NA%

Electricity - capacity: 50,000 kW standby
note: electricity supplied by France

Electricity - production: NA kWh
note: electricity supplied by France

Electricity - consumption per capita: NA kWh (1992)

Agriculture - products: potatoes, cauliflowers, tomatoes; meat, dairy products

Exports: $NA
commodities: light industrial and electrical goods, foodstuffs, textiles
partners: UK

Imports: $NA
commodities: machinery and transport equipment, manufactured goods, foodstuffs, mineral fuels, chemicals
partners: UK

Debt - external: $NA

Economic aid: none

Currency: 1 Jersey pound (£J) = 100 pence

Exchange rates: Jersey pounds per US dollar - 0.6981 (January 2002), 0.6944 (2001), 0.6596 (2000), 0.6180 (1999), 0.6037 (1998), 0.6106 (1997); the Jersey pound is at par with the British pound

Fiscal year: 1 April - 31 March


Telephones: 65,500 (1997)

Telephone system:
domestic: NA
international : 3 submarine cables

Radio broadcast stations: AM 1, FM 0, shortwave 0

Radios: NA

Television broadcast stations: 1

Televisions: NA


Railways: 0 km

total:577 km (1995)
paved: NA km
unpaved : NA km

Ports and harbors: Gorey, Saint Aubin, Saint Helier

Merchant marine: none

Airports: 1 (2001.)

Airports - with paved runways:
total: 1
1,524 to 2,437 m : 1 (2001)


Military - note: defense is the responsibility of the UK

Transnational Issues

Disputes - international: none

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