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Countries > Coral Sea Islands

Languages   One language is spoken in Coral Sea Islands. We have 4 products available for that language.

Capital: None - Admin. Canberra, AU
Population: 4
Coral Sea Islands Map

(territory of Australia)


Location: Oceania, islands in the Coral Sea, northeast of Australia

Geographic coordinates: 18 00 S, 152 00 E

Map references: Oceania

total: less than 3 sq km
land: less than 3 sq km
water : 0 sq km
note: includes numerous small islands and reefs scattered over a sea area of about 1 million sq km, with the Willis Islets the most important

Area - comparative: NA

Land boundaries: 0 km

Coastline: 3,095 km

Maritime claims:
exclusive fishing zone: 200 nm
territorial sea: 3 nm

Climate: tropical

Terrain: sand and coral reefs and islands (or cays)

Elevation extremes:
lowest point : Pacific Ocean 0 m
highest point: unnamed location on Cato Island 6 m

Natural resources: NEGL

Land use:
arable land : 0%
permanent crops: 0%
permanent pastures: 0%
forests and woodland: 0%
other: 100% (mostly grass or scrub cover)

Irrigated land: 0 sq km (1993)

Natural hazards: occasional, tropical cyclones

Environment - current issues: no permanent fresh water resources

Environment - international agreements:
party to : NA
signed, but not ratified: NA

Geography - note: important nesting area for birds and turtles


Population: no indigenous inhabitants
note: there is a staff of four at the meteorological station(July 2002 est.)


Country name:
conventional long form: Coral Sea Islands Territory
conventional short form: Coral Sea Islands

Data code: CR

Dependency status: territory of Australia; administered by the Ministry for Sport, Territories, and Local Government

National capital: none; administered from Canberra, Australia

Independence: none (territory of Australia)

Legal system: the laws of Australia, where applicable, apply

Executive branch: administered by the Minister for the Arts, Sport, the Environments and Territories of Australia

Flag description: the flag of Australia is used


Economy - overview: no economic activity


Communications - note: there are automatic weather relay stations on many of the isles and reefs relaying data to the mainland


Ports and harbors: none; offshore anchorage only


Military - note: defense is the responsibility of Australia; visited regularly by the Royal Australian Navy; Australia has control over the activities of visitors

Transnational Issues

Disputes - international: none

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